In-person Recital
- Where: Olympic View Community Church
- When: Saturday, March 19, 2022; 4:00-6:00
- Arrival time: 3:30
- What to bring: cello, rockstop, sheet music (if needed).
- Attire: performers should wear nice clothes. Girls in long dresses or slacks, boys in dress or dark pants and buttoned dress shirts or polos. No flip-flops or tennis shoes.
- Park in the parking lot on the north side of the church (off of 5th Ave).
- Enter through the main doors on 95th St.
- Students with Saturday lessons WILL have lessons on March 19th.
- Attendance policy: Cello Jello students must stay until intermission. Cello Philharmonic and Cello X students must remain for the ENTIRE recital. No exceptions.
Virtual Recital
The Virtual Recital is for students who are not participating in the in-person recital.
- When: Sunday, March 20, 2022; 2:00 on Zoom. Please arrive at 1:45.
- Zoom link here
- Program: here (scroll to page 2)
- Attire: dress nicely
- Please tune ahead of time, rosin your bow, and clean the cello.
Video set-up:
- Choose a well-lit room with good acoustics and a good WiFi connection.
- Make the background as plain and clutter-free as possible.
- Place the music stand (if using) to the left side so you’re not blocked from view.
- Position the computer so you and your cello are fully in the frame (from the knees up is okay).
- Use landscape mode.
- Face forward – do not face to the side.
- See example picture for best set-up.
- When finished performing, you may move elsewhere in the house to watch the rest of the recital.
- When watching others, select “Speaker View” (not “Grid View”) to best see them.
Sound set-up:
IMPORTANT! Please make these adjustments to improve the sound quality. These can only be adjusted with a computer (not an iPad).
- Click the up arrow next to the microphone.
- Select Audio Settings.
- Automatically adjust microphone volume: OFF
- Show in-meeting option to enable “Original Sound”: ON
- Suppress background noise: LOW
- Return to the main screen.
- Original Sound (upper left corner): ON
Recital etiquette:
- Please set up before it’s your turn to play.
- Remain for the full recital and listen respectfully and attentively to the other performers.
- Do not roam around the house, do chores or play on your phone during the recital.
- If you need to use the bathroom, wait until the current performer is finished playing and turn your video off. Turn your video back on when you return.
- Encourage friends and relatives to attend!